Monday, 29 April 2013

Nick Clarke is due for a fall

I took this (below) from Nick Clarke's blog about how everything is looking rosy. It may well be from his perspective. But that isn't the problem. From what I'm reading Nick is missing the point. For all the achievements Nick has a problem and that are the Council Tax rises. Of course when you are met on the doorstep by the Leader of the County Council you are hardly going tell him to go away. No let him witter on, say goodbye and close the door. Then go and vote UKIP or Lib Dem or even don't go and vote at all.

From his blog looks like he is going to romp home in Fulbourn and the Conservatives will romp home in Cottenham, Histon and Impington. Not long to find out!

Conservative campaign – positive and well received

April 20, 2013

A great day in my division. Lots of leaflets dropped and some great chats. I have been encouraged by the many offers of help and messages of support.

Speaking on the doorstep, unhappiness with national politicians of all parties is raised. When I have explained our local priorities of protecting the vulnerable, helping people live healthy and independent lives and driving the economy they get more engaged.

When I explain what we have been up to over the last two years people can see we are a party of getting things done rather than talking about it.

It’s great to be able to talk about Superfast broadband, the new station in Cambridge, bringing forward the A14 upgrade, the Ely bypass and more. Opposition parties can’t claim any success because they are not able to deliver anything. All they can talk about are promises for the future with not track record.

I have had lots of comments about the Lib Dems. People are confused because they are in coalition in government but want to appose all the time. How can they look both ways, I’m asked? If you know the Lib Dems like I do it’s not just two ways they look they can normally mange half a dozen.

I nipped up to join a canvassing team in Histon later in the day. Great response. Lots of indications that people get the financial problems we face and think we are the party to put it right. Labour is still, rightly, held to blame for the mess we are in. Again lots of confused people not understanding where the Lib Dems sit, in coalition or opposition.

I bumped into David Jenkins, the Lib Dem candidate for Histon. We had a pleasant chat. Apart from being perpetually negative about everything I like David. It must have been a shock to him seeing a dozen Conservatives, one county council leader and an MEP all knocking on doors in his street.

Overall a very positive day.

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